FieldDAQ MAC Addresses
The FieldDAQ device is associated with two MAC addresses—both of which are labeled on
the device—device and switch. These MAC addresses are not associated with a particular
Ethernet port, but both addresses can appear on both ports as necessary.
Table 9. NI MAX Device and Switch MAC Addresses
Device MAC Address
Switch MAC Address
Associated with the device’ IP
Associated with the internal Ethernet switch—not
associated with the device’s IP address
Used by normal device traffic
Used for Ethernet protocols for network configuration
and synchronization
Listed in MAX
Not listed in MAX
The switch MAC address is used to implement the following switch protocols:
IEEE 802.1AS-2011 (Precision Time Protocol)
IEEE 802.1Q-2014 (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol [RSTP] implemented)
The switch MAC address only appears in packets exchanged between the switch embedded in
the FieldDAQ device and the next Ethernet device. It will not propagate further in a properly
configured network. For more information about the recommended configurations for
networking the FieldDAQ device, refer to
Topology Options
Topology Options
Recommended networking topologies are described in this section.
—Can be a computer or a real-time controller with the NI Linux Real-Time
operating system, such as the IC-317
, cRIO-9035/9039 Sync, cRIO-904
, or
cDAQ-9132/9133/9134/9135/9136/9137 for LabVIEW Real-Time
—Can be any FieldDAQ device or 802.1AS-compliant CompactDAQ chassis, such
as the cDAQ-9185/9189
For more information about designing Ethernet measurement systems, visit
Line Topology
In a line topology—also known as daisy-chaining or bus topology—the host communicates
directly with all nodes through one bus line. A standard Ethernet device or switch can be
added to the end of the chain if desired and used as normal. Be aware that these devices will
compete for network bandwidth with the FieldDAQ device. Reliable system design requires
awareness of the bandwidth consumed by each device during operations. This topology offers
no redundant links.
FD-11613 User Guide
© National Instruments