au-dessus du sol, les jambes, la coordination motrice des différents segments, la représentation des parties de son corps. Le
traitement de ces informations développera la maîtrise de l’équilibre.
S’enrouler – Tourner.
Exercice possible sur la poutre ou sur une barre mais à éviter sur l’échelle
dogon côté poutre. Cela n’est possible
que si le support, axe de rotation, arrive au niveau abdominal de l’enfant ;
souvent, il essaie de tourner en ayant la barre au niveau thoracique.
– Monter le bassin au niveau de la barre ou de la poutre.
– « Casser » le corps en appui abdominal.
– Amener les talons aux fesses pour se déséquilibrer.
– Accepter de tourner.
Évidemment, tous ces exercices ne peuvent se pratiquer que si l’on a pris
soin d’installer des aires de réception (tapis ou dalles de sol).
Exemples d’utilisation avec Polybase (ou Podium ou Petit Pont) et Tour
Parcours 1
À noter : Grimpe sur les barres parallèles en pente, en s’équilibrant sur ces
supports étroits avec 4 appuis : un seul appui est libéré à chaque fois pour
Parcours 2
Le pont de singe pourra ici être aussi substitué par la poutrelle d’équilibre.
À noter : Grimpe perpendiculairement sur les barres parallèles : les deux
appuis du haut peuvent être libérés en même temps pour progresser.
English – Pictures p. 19-22
ACTIGYM is a wooden structure, made up of readily adaptable
elements. It offers children, from the ages of 2 to 6, a wide range
of possibilities for «motor experiences» enabling them to climb,
jump, clamber and balance and, in the process, learn about
themselves and take risks. It is a modular structure that can be
transformed according to objectives and children’s ability levels.
Structural elements
Can be used alone or be fitted with connecting elements.
Section of bars: 3.4 cm.
Podium (373 204)
– Dimensions: L × W = 74 × 74 cm, H = 59 cm.
4 sides:1 bar – 2 bars – 3 bars –
holes for climbing through
Polybase (373 190)
– Dimensions: L × W = 115 × 84 cm, H = 103 cm.
3 sides:2 sides with 4 bars –
1 side with 3 bars
Tower (387 423)
– Dimensions: L × W = 160 × 160 cm,
H = 163 cm.
4 sides:5 bars – 6 bars – stick ladder –
climbing wall
Small Bridge
(373 218)
– Dimensions: L × W = 118 × 67 cm, H = 59 cm
Connecting elements
Slide (373172)
Parallel bars (373179)
Reversible climbing
Rope bridge
Dogon ladder or small beam
Balancing beam
Structural elements and connecting elements
Connecting elements are attached to the horizontal bars of
structural elements using the hooks fitted to their wooden ends,
and connected in tandem with the elastic attachments supplied
with each connecting element. (Picture 1)
To create maximum stability and avoid children trapping
their fingers, each connecting element should be affixed to
the centre of the bar, leaving the same distance between the
element and each edge (Pictures 2). For the Tower, place the
connecting element symmetrically in relation to the vertical
axis at the centre of each bar.
2A: centred 2B: off-centre
Safety issues and assembly
The Small Bridge is designed to be used with the flat sides
against the ground, never with the rounded side on the ground.
The Polybase is designed to be used on one of the three sides
with rungs, never on one of the triangular sides. (Picture 3)
For safety reasons and comfort of use, under no circumstances
should you attach:
• two opposite connecting elements to the top rung of the
Polybase (Picture 4);
• a connecting element onto the Stick Ladder of the Tower;
• the Rope Ladder or Balancing beam on only one structural
element (Picture 5.E.a);
• the Reversible Climbing Surface to the Tower unless the base
of the climbing surface is touching the ground.
On the Small Bridge: to attach two connecting elements facing
each other, the central rung must be left empty.
Refer to the explanation in the box on page 19.
Bar with
: authorized assembly
Bar with : assembly not recommended
Never use elastic attachments other than those supplied with
the connecting elements.
The Actigym structure is made of wood and designed for indoor
use: sports hall, gym, etc. It must be installed on a flat surface.
The Podium, Polybase and Tower must be installed at a minimum
of 1 m from the wall.
The area beneath any point of the structure with a height of over
60 cm must be protected by a landing mat.
Before using an activity course and before each new session,
check that:
– all the elements are stable, properly installed and comply with
the instructions supplied;
– the safety attachments are centred on the bars and tightly
– the material is in good condition.
The following exercises are examples of how to use the
ACTIGYM structure.
A – With the Small Bridge
Allow the children to find their own strategy for climbing: by
using the sides or the rungs.
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All checks must be carried out at least once a year. The
manufacturer encourages the user or manager to keep a
register monitoring the equipment, in which any faults noted,
inspections, requests for intervention and interventions carried
out are recorded. Any changes to the product must comply with
the manufacturer’s specifications.
Most children turn around at the top to go back down. Please
avoid insisting on when they should turn around. The adult could
however verbally encourage them get a better grip.