Page 5
When a visitor at your door or gate presses the call button on the SUPPLIED DOOR
PHONE, DS4 will produce an OFF HOOK condition to the PBX.
The PBX system should be programmed to ‘HOT DIAL’ this connection to one or more
internal extensions or out to an external telephone number (which can include a
mobile cell phone).
Upon detection of the DS4 ‘Off Hook’, your PBX will AUTOMATICALLY connect the
visitor at the DOOR PHONE direct to one or more pre-programmed PBX extension(s).
Alternatively, the PBX may initiate an OUTGOING CALL so that the visitor at the
DOOR PHONE may be connected to an EXTERNAL SITE, or even a CELLULAR
Once the INTERNAL or EXTERNAL party answers their telephone, they will be
connected direct to the DOOR PHONE so that they may communicate with the
If you require LOCK CONTROL via the Intercom Call, then you should use our
alternative Model DS5 Controller.
Once the CALLED PARTY has hung up, DS4 will detect the ‘hang up tones’ and then
terminate connection to the Door Phone.
Note - Due to the possibility that your PBX system may not output hang up tones, or
“AUSTRALIAN Cadence” hang up tones, a MAXIMUM CALL TIME has been set at
99 seconds.
This time can be changed to any value between 15 to 990 seconds. For further detail,
refer to the section - Programming Options on page 14.