Page 14
If you are having trouble with AUDIO COMMUNICATION between the DOOR
PHONE and your PBX Telephones, please follow the procedure below.
Adjust the POT located on the back of the Door Phone as described page 13.
If you are still having audio quality problems, they can be caused by EMI
INTERFERENCE from Switch Mode Power Supplies or some UPS units
(Uninterruptable Power Supplies).
Switch Mode Power Supplies can be easily identified because they are very light,
due to the fact that they do not use a transformer. Many brands of these power
supplies are well known to generate high levels of EMI.
Please TURN OFF any SWITCH MODE POWER SUPPLIES located near the DS4
controller (and its power supply) and test if the problem is resolved.
If the DS4 Power Supply is connected to an Uninterruptable Power Supply,
remove it and test if the problem is resolved.
If you are still having audio quality problems, then you may be picking up
interference (60 Hz power or other interference) via the cable travelling out to the
Door Phone. To test for this, you need to temporarily isolate DS4 from the existing
cable, using the following procedure :
Disconnect the telephone cable from the DOOR PHONE port of your DS4 unit and
then temporarily run NEW CAT5 cable from DS4 to your DOOR PHONE. Or
alternatively, remove the Door Phone from its normal position and move it closer to
the DS4 unit so that you can connect it using a temporary new CAT5 cable.
Please ensure this temporary test cable is no less than 30ft away from your DS4 unit
in order to prevent it generating feedback.
If satisfactory operation can be achieved, you should then fault find your problem in
the wiring leading to the DOOR PHONE unit.