Once everything is correctly set, push the button Save.
Now on the FTP server there is a file called 8059.CFG taht is the configuration file you have just created
and that will be used by the area monitor, during the first connection, to modify its settings accordingly
to this file
Now we have to force the first connection between the Area Monitor and the FTP server.
Send a SMS with a mobile phone to the Area monitor with the following message:
- (space) means you have to leave a space
- password is the Device Password
As default the Device Password is PASSPMM. For further details about Device Password consult the
users manual chapter 7.5
In this case, with factory settings, the message will be:
During the connection, the AMB-8059 will look for the CFG file with new settings. In case it is present,
the area monitor change its internal settings and at the end it will leave a new file called 8059.SET.
This new file is used by the software to show the last area monitor settings.
This last operation can also be done via cable RS232, using Windows HyperTerminal,
or any other software like it.
To allow communication between the Hyper Terminal software and the area monitor,
it has to be set with following configuration:
Baud-rate: 115200
8 bit
1 bit
Flow control: None
In this way you have to send the command #BMSCGN*