W415-4002 / 08.11.21
• These are recommended minimum clearances only and are in supplied in good faith and not a guarantee
of compliance with TV manufacturers’ maximum allowable operating temperatures. Always comply to TV
manufacturers’ requirements.
• TVtemperaturesmustbevalidatedatthetimeofinstallation
as air fl ow characteristics within the
room can vary and maximum acceptable operating temperatures can vary from appliance to appliance.
TVs cannot be used where the TV temperature exceeds the manufacturer’s maximum allowable operating
temperatures (see TV manufacturer’s specifi cations).
• Mantel height and depth must conform to mantel clearance requirements specifi ed in this manual, see
“minimum clearance to combustible mantel” section in installation manual.
• Dimension “A” the gap between the top of the fi nishing fl ange and the bottom of the TV are taken from the
top of the fi replace opening.
• TV temperatures may be further reduced by increasing the horizontal distance between the front of the TV
and the front edge of the mantel or by increasing dimension “A”. However, increasing the gap between the
top of the mantel and the bottom of the TV beyond the maximum recommended fi gure, typically results in
higher temperatures. Minimum clearance between the mantel and bottom of the TV should be maintained to
allow air circulation below and behind the TV.