Chapter 1
Getting Started
Trillium Compact User Guide
1.6 Site Record
Use the following table to record information about the site, including its structure, cultural
environs, and climatic conditions. This information will be helpful in identifying changes to
the site over time and for determining when mass recentring may be necessary due to
temperature change.
Table 1-2
Record of installation site details
Site name (full name / station code / network
code, for example, Yellowknife / YKN / CN):
Date of installation (mm/dd/yyyy):
Type of installation (for example, vault, surface,
buried, other):
Vault installation:
__________ Depth below surface (m)
__________ Height above sea level (m)
Posthole installation:
__________ Depth of hole (m)
__________ Depth to bedrock (m)
__________ Height above sea level (m)
__________ Orientation in hole (±°)
Length of installation:
Permanent or temporary:
If temporary, expected time frame
(mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy):
Ground surface type (for example, rock, soil,
sand, clay, other):
Distance to potential noise sources (km):
__________ Airport or air traffic
__________ Railway
__________ Roads
__________ Tall structures ________ Height (m)
__________ Trees ________Height (m)
__________ Dwellings
__________ Industrial site
__________ Others (describe):
Seasonal temperature ranges (°C):
________________ January 1 to March 31
________________ April 1 to June 30
________________ July 1 to September 30
________________ October 1 to December 31