INFO (System Information sub-menu)
The System Information Menu displays various settings and identification of the particular system. As each item in the
menu is highlighted, the detail for that item is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
SSID (Software ID)
Displays the software ID number for the System.
MODL (System Model)
Displays the Model Number of the System.
SETP (Current Setup)
Displays the currently selected Configuration Setup Number.
SIG (Configuration Signature)
Displays the checksum for the system configuration file.
Heater Voltage (Feature not used on CE rated systems.)
Displays the operating voltage configured for the heater.
Heater Wattage as Configured in Software (CE Systems Only.)
Displays a heater kilowatt rating as programmed into the control system software (1-3 or 3-6).
H _ (Heater Type)
Displays a heater type ID number.
SW _ (Dip Switch Settings)
Displays a number that represents the DIP switch positions of S1 on the main circuit board.
PANL (Panel Version)
Displays a number of the software in the topside control panel.
Utilities and Information