Do not change cartridge color or material type during printing; doing so may damage the CubeX .
Please ensure you have followed all CubeX setup instructions before starting a print . failure to do so may damage
the CubeX .
Test creations have been printed on Your CubeX before leaving our factory . a different material and / or color may have
been used for the test creation and may have a small amount of this test material in the print jet . Therefore, the start of your
first creation may print some of this material and / or color before it transitions to your material/color of choice.
1 .
Insert the USB stick containing your .CUBEX file into the USB port on the CubeX.
2 . use the Cubestick to coat the print pad glass with a layer of Cube glue .
• Turn the CubeStick upside down so the glue flows to the tip.
apply 3 layers of Cubestick using a slow circular motion .
3 . select the ‘Print’ option from the main menu .
4 .
Select the file you wish to print by scrolling through your .CUBEX files using the arrows at the bottom of the screen. Tap
the name of the file you wish to print.
5 . Your CubeX will now start printing your creation .
pRInTIng YouR fIRsT CReaTIon
WaRnIng: pRInT TIps beCoMe eXTReMelY hoT duRIng seT-up and opeRaTIon. do noT TouCh
pRInT TIp.