Operating Manual
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Operating Manual FS750E
Mütec Instruments GmbH
Tel.: +49 (0) 4185-80 83-0
Bei den Kämpen 26
Fax: +49 (0) 4185-80 83-80
D-21220 Seevetal-Ramelsloh
System Design
The system FS750E consists of a dust monitor
and a DIN-rail transmitter.
The sensor is connected to the transmitter via a
4-wire cable. The measured value of the particle
load is then transferred to the transmitter and is
available as 4-20mA signal at the analog output.
General information on construction
and operation
Safety instructions
If the device can no longer be operated safely, it
must be put out of operation and secured to
prevent unintentional operation. The reasons for
this may include:
Visible damage to the device
Failure or malfunction
Storage or operation outside the approved
temperature range
Moisture inside the device
Severe transport stress
Before the device is put into operation again, a
professional routine test must be performed in
accordance with DIN EN 61010, Part 1. This test
should be performed by the manufacturer.
Intended use
The FS750E based on the triboelectric effect
detects malfunction at filters, e.g. filter breaks or
assembly errors.
Figure 1: Dimensions (in mm)