Operating Manual
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Operating Manual FS750E
Mütec Instruments GmbH
Tel.: +49 (0) 4185-80 83-0
Bei den Kämpen 26
Fax: +49 (0) 4185-80 83-80
D-21220 Seevetal-Ramelsloh
The dust indicator FS750E is intended for the use at the clean air side to detect dust
behind a filter. In this way, filter cracks, fractures or assembly errors are reported
automatically and reliably.
The FS750E is suitable for all piping and metallic channels, whose length exceed 3
times the diameter.
Installation is quick and easy by welding a threaded sleeve. The sensor rod is inserted
into the pipe and fixed by the thread.
The sensor rod length should be at least 1/3 of the pipe diameter and must not touch
the opposite wall. A distance of min. 20mm is recommended between the rod end and
the opposite wall.
The measurement system is based on the triboelectric effect: Particles collide
permanently with each other or with other materials, e.g. the wall. Because of this
process the particles will be charged in a natural way. If these electrically charged
particles are flying next to the sensor rod of FS750E or even touch it, the particles are
detected via the charge transfer.
Resting particles, such as deposits etc., do not affect the measurement. Therefore a
subsequent installation into existing exhaust ducts is possible without any problems.
The device cannot be used for material which forms an electrically conductive layer
between the sensor rod and inner wall by abrasion or adhesions.
The emerging particle load is output as an analog 4-20mA signal. Three conditions of
particle load are additionally signalized by different LED colors at the sensor.
Maintenance free
Analog output of the particle load as a 4-20mA signal
Condition indication by different LED colors
Protection class IP65
Compact form
Easy installation