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Mustang family of barbecuing products was designed
for cooking good food. Our line includes a wide range of
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fi or your nearest licensed Mustang retailer to find out more
about our selection of products!
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Please carefully go over the user instructions so you will get
the most out of your grill. With careful, regular cleaning and
maintenance of your grill, you will prolong its life and safety.
The Mustang line of products also offers proper cleaning
products and tools for its care.
For more information, go to www.mustang-grill.fi.
Mustang Cold Smoke Generator
With a Mustang Cold Smoke Generator, cold smoking is
easy in, for example, a kettle grill, most smokers or an old,
non-functioning refrigerator. You can smoke in almost any 50
to 200 litre space where smoke can be contained: a wooden
box, a fireplace, a brick oven, a barrel, or a hot smoker. For
example, a non-functioning refrigerator is a popular choice,
but remember that it can no longer be used normally because
it will have a strong smell of smoke afterwards.
The Mustang Cold Smoke Generator will produce smoke for
10 to 12 hours. The results will vary, depending on the type of
wood and wood dust being burned.
Filet fresh fish. If you want to hang the fish, do not remove the
lug bone; this will provide the fillet with structure and support
during the smoking process. Cure the fish (50 g sea salt and 20
g sugar per kilo) or salt it to taste. Let the fish cure for at least
eight hours. Carefully dry the fish with kitchen towels or by
dragging a knife down the surface (creates a more attractive
surface). Smoke the fish for 6 to 16 hours, depending on its
size and your preference. Make sure that the temperature
does not at any point exceed 32 ˚C, otherwise the fish will
lose its firm texture. If you are smoking the fish in a running
refrigerator, turn the thermostat to a cold setting afterwards
and leave the fish there to rest until the following day. In other
cases, roll the fillets in parchment paper and put them in the
refrigerator overnight. After this, they are ready to be eaten.
You can also freeze the fillets after they are done, and this will
balance and make the flavour even better. Cold smoked fish
will keep well in the freezer for at least six months.
GENERATOR! The temperature in the smoker where you put
the food must not exceed 32 ˚C.
Here’s How to Use the Cold Smoke Generator
1. Fill the generator with wood dust (e.g. Mustang Smoking
Chips PRO, product code 265566). Be careful not to use too
much: you should be able to see the spiral. If you use too
much dust, the flames will rise above the inner walls and the
temperature will be too high for cold smoking and result in a
fire hazard. Make sure that there is enough ventilation.
2. Light the tealight and place it on the base under the
inclined part of the grid.
3. Wait until the dust starts to smoke and then remove the
candle. If you like, you can snuff out the tealight, set it aside
and let it cool down until the next time you need it.
4. If you like, you
can tent the cold
smoke generator
with aluminium foil
(see photo), so that
no moisture from
the food will drip
on the generator
during the smoking
process. However, you
should make sure that
the generator gets
enough airflow and
that the wood dust
will not go out.
Wash and dry the generator after each use. Let it cool down
before cleaning. You can clean it, for example, with warm,
soapy water and a toothbrush.
Always use dry wood dust, because wet or damp dust will not
burn properly in the smoker. Make sure that the smoker is dry
before starting the smoking process.
Do not leave the cold smoker unattended. The smoker
will, to some extent, produce smouldering ash. PLEASE
TAKE NOTE OF FIRE SAFETY. Do not place the smoker on a
base made from flammable material.
If the wood dust does not catch fire:
Remove the dust from the cold smoke generator and check
how clean the area to be lighted is. Clean and thoroughly dry
the area as needed. Make sure that the wood dust is dry.
If the wood dust catches fire but goes out:
Check the cold smoking container to make sure that the
generator has enough airflow.
Make sure that the inner walls of the smoking container are
not too wet. If you see any water droplets or dripping on
the inside walls, the container is too damp for cold smoking.
In that case, decrease the amount of food or improve the
ventilation of the container.
Make sure that the wood dust is dry.
Take notice of the ambient temperature and humidity when
cold smoking. In temperatures under 0 °C, the food inside the
cold smoker may start to freeze. If the weather rises above 20
°C, the temperature inside the cold smoker may become too
hot. On a rainy day, you should reduce the amount of food so
that there is no increase in moisture inside the cold smoker.