Figure 28
Figure 29
5. Stretch the jig until the ends meet forming a cylindrical shape. See
Figure 30.
6. Flatten out wrinkles around the wrist seal attachment area.
7. Lay the wrist seal flat and place the non-stick fabric sheet on top.
8. Press the iron on the non-stick fabric sheet with moderate
pressure for 30 seconds. See Figure 31.
Figure 30
Figure 31
9. Remove the iron from the surface
10. Gently separate the seal from the fabric by lightly peeling. Gloves
may help as the wrist seal will be hot where contacted by the iron.
See Figure 32.
CAUTION: Stop pulling the wrist seal away from the
suit when resistance is encountered.
11. Heat the adjacent area for 20 seconds and continue to pull.
12. Rotate the wrist seal and repeat steps 9 to 12 until the seal has
been completely separated. See Figure 33.
13. Leave the wrist seal and sleeve to cool prior to completing any
further actions. Gloves may help as the wrist seal will be hot
where contacted by the iron.