Instruction manual for devices of the MASI20 series
V 1.0
2.4.5 Auxiliary power supply
The power supply required for actuators is provided by an auxiliary power supply.
Information relating to voltage drops and cable cross-sections also apply to auxiliary power supply, all the
more since currents are higher.
In case of a short-circuit on the output of a slave far away from the system power
supply, some slaves may sporadically indicate an undervoltage of the auxiliary power
supply, due to a voltage drop caused by the high current in the cable.
2.5 Slave profile
Each slave is marked with a specific profile to assure unequivocal identification by the AS-Interface
master. The conditions for this are listed in the AS-Interface specifications. The profile consists of one
identification code (ID-Code), 2 extended identification codes (ID1-Code and ID2-Code) as well as the
Inputs/Outputs configuration code (IO-Code). These data determine the slave function.
The slave profile is represented as follows : S-IO.ID.ID2 (e.g. : S-7.A.0). This profile is permanently
programmed by the manufacturer and cannot be changed. The ID1-Code can be modified by the user
with the command « Write_Extended_ID-Code_1 ». By default the ID1-Code is ‘F’ for a standard slave or
‘7’ for an AB slave (ID=A).
The slave profile information (ID-, ID1-, ID2- and IO-Code) is very important for an easy replacement of
slaves in the system. It enables the master to check if the current configuration corresponds to the
reference configuration.