Section 75
04-06-11 -
37 -
Caterpillar ECU
Install any/all ECU connections as per your ECU manual.
Program relay 7 on the iGUARD to be "ECU enable"
Run a wire from the common of relay 7 to +V battery
Run a wire from the normally open contact of relay 7 to pin 26 of the 40 pin
connector on the ADEM 3 ECU
Notes: The ADEM 3 ECU constantly broadcasts DM1 message "No error". Make sure that the
manufacturer is set to "Caterpillar" to accommodate this.
Deutz ECU
Install any/all ECU connections as per your ECU manual.
Program relay 7 on the iGUARD to be "ECU enable"
Run a wire from the common of relay 7 to +V battery
Run a wire from the normally open contact of relay 7 to pin 14 on the 25-pin EMR
Cummins QS series ECU
Install any/all ECU connections as per your ECU manual.
Program relay 7 on the iGUARD to be "ECU enable"
Run a wire from the common of relay 7 to +V battery
Run a wire from the normally open contact of relay 7 to:
Cummins QSM/QSX series: pin 38 on the 50-pin OEM connector
Cummins QSK-19 series: pin 01 on the 31-pin OEM connector
Cummins QSB/QSC series: pin A on the 23-pin OEM connector (engine access
Cummins QST-30 series: pin A on the 21-pin OEM connector
Notes: The Cummins G-Drive controllers (Except for the G-drive version of QSM) are not
currently J1939 enabled. The existing G-Drives are MODbus protocol RS-485 connection, and
are not currently (May 2003) supported by the iGUARD. This support will eventually be added
in the planned phase two firmware release. Contact the factory (918) 317-4100 about
/ Discontinued