Software explained
Current zone parameters. Depending on the type of sensor in the zone, it can
read temperature/humidity and additionally air quality data if required.
Heating settings
OFF - The Zone is fully off but it will turn on if the ambient temperature drops
below 4°C for frost protection.
HOME TEMPERATURE - This is the setpoint you require when you are at home.
Typically this should be the highest temperature setpoint for a zone.
SLEEP - This is the setpoint you require at night when you are sleeping and
require less heat. This should be lower than the HOME temperature setpoint to
save energy. The lower the temperature the greater the savings.
AWAY - This is the setpoint you require during the day when you are not at home
(for example at work). This should be lower than the HOME temperature setpoint
to save energy, but might be higher than SLEEP so that it is quicker to bring the
house up to HOME temperature when you come home.
Fan coil speed (appears only if a fan coil exists in the zone). You will be able to set
the speed of the ventilator device here. If you select OFF it will stay off and not be
affected by the sensor.
Setpoints for HOME, AWAY, SLEEP are all separately adjusted. The best practice
is to switch between modes of work. If there are no heating requirements for the
zone, this part of the settings will not appear.
Ventilation settings for heat recovery and UV-C ventilator:
OFF - ventilation is turned off.
IN - all zone ventilators are supplying fresh air to the building.
OUT - all zone ventilators are extracting stale air from the building.
Note: The IN and OUT modes are manual modes and ignore the zone setpoints.
In AUTO mode the ventilation is controlled by the zone’s sensor and setpoints. If a
sensed value exceeds its setpoint the ventilation will turn on to rectify it.