© Munters AB, 2018
Calibration procedure
1. In order to get to the calibration menu press “select” and the “up” arrow keys simultaneously
and hold them together for about two seconds.
2. The display alternates between the sensor number and the temperature measured.
3. Use the arrow key to change the temperature.
4. Press SELECT to move through the sensors and the arrows to change temperatures.
Calibration of humidity sensor is done exactly the same way; the only difference is that instead of
measuring temperature, the humidity is measured by an external humidity sensor.
The Test Option is used in the installation process and it enables the installer to check systems.
In order to get to the Test Menu, press Select and Down arrow keys simultaneously and hold them
together for about two seconds.
The display alternates between the name of the I/O and an ON/OFF sign.
Pressing the arrow keys allows switching between on and off.
rL.1-7: Relays 1 to 7
SPd: Variable speed. (Check minimum to full capacity using the arrow keys)
AO1-4: Analog outputs 1 to 4
t1, t2: Temperature sensors with the A/D counts blinking on the screen
Hu: humidity sensor A/D counts
Ai1-2: Analog inputs 1 to 2
Prs: Pressure A/D counts
DG1-3: Digital inputs 1 to 3