© Munters AB, 2018
T.Out Dif, Exit: set the relative temperature for the outside sensor at which to exit tunnel.
The controller cannot exit tunnel until the outside temperature is less than tunnel
temperature plus this differential. This number can be positive or negative. To eliminate
the effect of this parameter on tunnel exit, enter a large positive number such as 90.0.
Default: 0.0
Exit Delay (m): delay time after satisfying tunnel exit conditions. Default: 5 (minutes)
Calibration Steps: to ensure accurate positioning of the curtains, the controller may
periodically calibrate the curtain position. This parameter sets the maximum number of
curtain movements or stages between calibrations. Calibration consists of forcing the
curtain to the nearest limit, 0% or 100% with adequate overtime to ensure reaching the
limit switch. Then the curtain returns to its proper position. In the event several curtains
require calibration, they calibrate one at a time to reduce the amount of restriction to
normal ventilation. The stage counter resets automatically each time the curtains reach a
limit point to prevent excessive calibration. Default: 99
From Level: from what ventilation level to begin cool pad operation. 0 is no operation.
Default: 0
Temp Band: on/off differential or Happy Zone with respect to temperature for the ‘Cool
#’ and ‘Cool Pad #’ relays. These normally control the water pump for the cool cells.
Default: 1.0
Humidity Band: on/off differential or Happy Zone with respect to inside humidity for the
‘Cool #’ and ‘Cool Pad #’ relays. Default: 2.0
From Level: from what ventilation level to begin fogger operation. 0 is no operation.
Default: 0
Temp Band: See cool pad above. Default: 1.0
Humidity Band: See cool pad above. Default: 2.0
==VAR. FAN==
Freeze Protect: A general protection for the variable speed fan motor. When the
variable speed fan starts from zero speed, the freeze protection activates it to 100% for
5 seconds. Default: No
Min Motor1, 2, 3, 4 Spd: Safety speed fan operation delay. This is the Fan minimum
speed to begin operation. Default: 30.
Control Mode
Set Mode ►Normal
In this screen control mode can be set, choosing between Normal Mode and Empty Mode.
Empty Mode
Empty Mode is applied in cases of empty houses. When Empty Mode is selected:
All alarms are disabled
A flashing message appears while displaying temperature
"E" In Pig Guard and "Empty House" in Super Guard
Setting controller to Normal or Empty mode inserts an event to History/Event table.