Chapter 3 – RouteFinder Software Operation
Multi-Tech RouteFinder RF650VPN User Guide
System Up2Date
System Up2Date can import patches, updates and new features into your RouteFinder. With the System
Up2Date service, you can get System Up2Dates manually anytime you want (System Up2Date can only
be started manually).
Up2Date Procedure
1. Open the
Up2Date Service
menu in the
2. In the
System Up2Date
window, click the
button next to
Get and install System Up2Dates now
. A window
is opened during the Up2Date process, in which the newly installed data and the current version are
shown. The process is finished when the message
appears in the
process window.
Pattern Up2Date
Pattern Up2date
downloads and install new virus detection patterns for the firewall's virus scanner. Click the
button in the bottom table to start the
Pattern Up2Date
To ensure that patterns stay up to date at all times, this process can also be automated.
Enable the automatic function and select an interval.
With the
Pattern Up2Date
service, your RouteFinder can be continually updated with new virus patterns
(with optional email virus scan subscription), system patches and security features that can be
automatically read into your running system. The
are signed and encrypted and are read in via
an encrypted connection. The IP address of the appropriate server is automatically entered into the
Up2Date Server
entry field.
You can choose update your RouteFinder manually (
Get and install pattern updates now
selection), or to have
it updated automatically at regular intervals (
Every hour
Every night
, or
Every week
Only Multi-Tech can create and sign these