MultiConnect® OCG-E MT100EOCG-EV3 Developer Guide
Chapter 1 – Developer’s Kit and Developer’s Board
Thank you for using the MultiConnect open communications gateway embedded (MultiConnect™ OCG-E)
developer’s kit. This guide describes how to use the kit to design, develop and test custom applications for your
business. This chapter describes the gateway product, the developer board, and other kit contents. It also includes
safety notices that you can include in your product’s documentation, if desired.
Product Overview
The MultiConnect™ OCG-E helps you quickly create custom applications. The gateway is made up of an open Linux
development environment and fully certified hardware. The gateway includes multiple interfaces (serial, USB,
Ethernet and SD card) and internal peripherals (including a cellular modem and a GPS receiver) in one, application-
ready end user solution. This gateway is ideal for companies with hardware and software competencies and
provides maximum design flexibility.
Applications that require device networking capability can now reside directly on select Multi-Tech gateways. This
product brings together a cellular hardware development kit, Multi-Tech’s CoreCDP Linux distribution and a
complete Linux build environment, allowing you to quickly create custom applications. The MultiConnect OCG-E
gateway provides a flexible, quick and cost-effective way to bring your solution to market.
For detailed information about the CoreCDP Development Platform, please visit the Multi-Tech website at:
An illustration of the developer board follows.