5.5 Operational monitoring
Rotating and moving engine parts.
Risk of crushing, danger of parts of the body being caught or pulled in!
• Only run the engine at low power. Keep away from the engine's danger zone.
High level of engine noise when the engine is running.
Risk of damage to hearing!
• Wear ear protectors.
Operational monitoring
Control and display panels
Check readings of operational data (speed, temperature, pressures).
Engine under load,
engine at nominal speed
Check engine/plant and piping for leaks, repair leaky pipes with the engine
stopped (exhaust lines and turbocharger turbine housings may be red-hot. If
the maximum exhaust temperatures are not exceeded, no restrictions in en-
gine operation are required);
Check for abnormal running noises and vibration.
HP pump
Check relief bore (→ Page 84).
Fuel prefilter
Check reading on differential pressure gage to ensure that maximum admis-
sible value is not exceeded (→ Page 94).
Exhaust system
Check exhaust color (→ Page 53).
Check condensate drain(s) for water discharge and obstruction
(→ Page 100).
Air filter
Check signal ring position of service indicator (→ Page 103).
Replace air filter (→ Page 101), if the signal ring is completely visible in the
service indicator control window.
Engine coolant pump
Check relief bore (→ Page 116).
Charge-air coolant pump
Check relief bore (→ Page 122).
Compressed-air system (if
Check operating pressure on pressure gage;
Always fill compressed-air tank to max. pressure;
Drain condensate from compressed-air tank, pressure drop must not exceed
1 bar.
M015565/03E 2016-02
| Operation | 47
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