BIOS Setup
BIOS Setup
WDT/ BYPASS Control Guideline
For example to compress t by executng “RU” under DOS could reference as
below, and f users need to buld codes for other OS envronment, please consult
OS dstrbutor accordngly.
IOSpace 0x50D bt6
SB_GPIO14 (Send bt)
IOSpace 0x539 bt2
SB_GPIO42 (WDT 0:Reboot/1:Bypass)
IOSpace 0x539 bt3
SB_GPIO43 (Power Off : 0:PassTru /1:Bypass)
IOSpace 0x50D bt1
SB_GPIO9 (Power On : 0:PassTru /1:Bypass)
IOSpace 0x539 bt6
IOSpace 0x539 bt5
IOSpace 0x539 bt4
PAIR3..1 Ex:
[PAIR3..1] 000 : Select LAN 1&2 Channel Control
[PAIR3..1] 001 : Select LAN 3&6 Channel Control
1. Press “Alt+C” -> Select “IO Space”-> Select “0” -> key n “500” -> press
2. Select Offset “39” Bt2 set to “1” (WDT Bypass)
3. Clean Par1~3: Select Offset “39” Bt04, 05, 06: Set “0”
4. Select Offset “0D” Bt06 set to “1” -> Bt07 set to “0” (Send bt Hgh -> Low)
5. Select Offset “39” Bt06 set to “1”
6. Repeat setup “4”
Enable WDT, and setup tme
7. Press “Alt+C” -> Select “ISA” -> key n “4E” -> press Enter -> key n “4F”
8. Press “Ctrl+O” -> key n “o 4E 87” -> press “Enter” -> key n “o 4E 87” -> press
“Enter” -> press “ESC” key
9. Press F7 to dsplay 8bt mode -> Select Offset 07 -> set to “07”
10. Offset 30 -> set to “01”
11. Offset F0 -> set to “81”
12. Offset F6 -> set to “3C” Tme of watchdog tmer
13. Offset F5 -> set to “73”