BIOS Setup
BIOS Setup
Serial Port Console Redirection
Console Redirection
Console Redrecton operates n host systems that do not have a montor and
keyboard attached. Ths settng enables/dsables the operaton of console re-
drecton. When set to [Enabled], BIOS redrects and sends all contents that
should be dsplayed on the screen to the seral COM port for dsplay on the
termnal screen. Besdes, all data receved from the seral port s nterpreted
as keystrokes from a local keyboard.
Console Redirection Settings
Terminal Type
To operate the system’s console redrecton, you need a termnal supportng
ANSI termnal protocol and a RS-232 null modem cable connected between
the host system and terminal(s). This setting specifies the type of terminal
devce for console redrecton.