BIOS Setup
BIOS Setup
Boot Option Priorities
The tems allow you to set the sequence of boot devces where BIOS attempts to
load the dsk operatng system. Frst press <Enter> to enter the sub-menu. Then
you may use the arrow keys ( ↑↓ ) to select the desired device, then press <+>,
<-> or <PageUp>, <PageDown> key to move t up/down n the prorty lst.
CSM Parameters
This setting specifies the parameters for Compatibility Support Module, a part of
the Intel Platform Innovaton Framework for EFI provdng the capablty to sup-
port legacy BIOS nterfaces.
USB KEY Drive BBS Priorities
Ths settng allows users to set the USB key boot sequence.
UEFI Boot Drive BBS Priorities
Ths settng allows users to set the UEFI boot drve sequence.