BIOS Setup
BIOS Setup
Intel PCH PC Version / SKU Name / Rev ID
These tems show the chpset nformaton of PCH PC Verson, SKU Name and
Rev ID.
Restore On AC Power Loss
This setting specifies whether your system will reboot after a power failure or
nterrupt occurs. Avalable settngs are:
[Power Off] Leaves the computer n the power off state.
[Power On] Leaves the computer n the power on state.
[Last State] Restores the system to the prevous status before power
falure or nterrupt occurred.
Watchdog Time Out Event
Ths settng controls the Watchdog Tme Out event.
LAN1&2 / LAN3-6 ByPass state @ Power On / Off
LAN Bypass removes a sngle pont of falure so that essental bus3-13ness com-
muncaton can contnue whle a network falure s dagnosed and resolved. In the
event of a power, hardware or software falure, Hardware Bypass wll automat-
cally activate, allowing network traffic to continue. Traffic between the LAN and
WAN s allowed wthout nterrupton.