M S-7100 ATX M ainboard
Read to Write delay (Trwt)
W hen the
Timing Mode
is set to [Manual], the field is adjustable. This is not a
DRAM-specified timing parameter, but must be considered due to routing laten-
cies on the clock forwarded bus. It is counted from the first address bus slot
that was not associated with part of the read burst. Available settings: [Auto],
[1T], [2T], [3T], [4T], [5T], [6T].
Write recover y time (Twr)
W hen the
Timing Mode
is set to [Manual], the field is adjustable. It specifies
the amount of delay (in clock cycles) that must elapse after the completion of a
valid write operation, before an active bank can be precharged. This delay is
required to guarantee that data in the write buffers can be written to the
memory cells before precharge occurs. Available settings: [Auto], [2T], [3T].
Write to Read delay (Twtr)
W hen the
Timing Mode
is set to [Manual], the field is adjustable. This item
controls the W rite Data In to Read Command Delay memory timing. This consti-
tutes the minimum number of clock cycles that must occur between the last
valid write operation and the next read command to the same internal bank of
the DDR device. Available settings: [Auto], [1T], [2T].
Refresh period (Tref)
W hen the
Timing Mode
is set to [Manual], the field is adjustable. Specifies the
refresh rate of the DIMM requiring the most frequent refresh. Available settings:
[Auto], [1x1552], [1x2064], [1x2592], [1x3120], [1x3632], [1x4128], [1x4672],
[2x1552], [2x2064], [2x2592], [2x3120], [2x3632], [2x4128], [2x4672], [4x1552],
[4x2064], [4x2592], [4x3120], [4x3632], [4x4128], [4x4672], [128].
User Config mode
This field has the capacity to automatically detect all of the following 4 fields
default value.. If you set this field to [Manual], the following fields will be selectable.
The settings are: [Auto], [Manual].
Bottom of 32-bit [ 31:24] IO
When the
User Config mode
is set to [Manual], the field is adjustable.
This field
specifies the memory which could be remapped to another address higher than
00E0. (This item only activities in 64-bit OS) The settings are: [0000~00E0].
1T/ 2T M emory Timing
When the
User Config mode
is set to [Manual], the field is adjustable. This field
controls the SDRAM command rate. Selecting [1T] makes SDRAM signal con-
troller to run at 1T (T=clock cycles) rate. Selecting [2T] makes SDRAM signal
controller run at 2T rate. Setting options: [1T], [2T].
Read Preamble value
W hen the
User Config mode
is set to [Manual], the field is adjustable. The time
prior to the max-read DQS-return when the DQS receiver should be turned on.