Silicon RAID Introduction
Install Driver in Windows XP / 2000
New Windows XP / 2000 Installation
The following details the installation of the drivers while installing W indows XP /
1. Start the installation:
Boot from the CD-ROM. Press F6 when the message "Press F6 if you
need to install third party SCSI or RAID driver" appears.
2. W hen the W indows XP/2000 Setup window is generated, press <S> key to
specify an Additional Device(s).
3. Insert the driver diskette
Silicon Image RAID Driver For Win2K/XP
driver into drive A: and press <Enter>.
4. Choose the driver
Silicon Image Sil 3132 SATARAID Controller
appears on W indows XP/2000 Setup screen, and press the <Enter> key.
5. Press <Enter> to continue with installation or if you need to specify any
additional devices to be installed, do so at this time. Once all devices are
specified, press <Enter> to continue with installation.
6. From the W indows XP/2000 Setup screen, press the <Enter> key. Setup
will now load all device files and then continue the W indows XP/2000
Installing OS on RAID Drive
1. After setup examines your disks, it will copy files to W indows installation
folders and restart the system.
2. The setup program will continue and finish the installation after restarting.
3. W ait until W indows XP/2000 finishes installing devices, regional settings,
networking settings, components, and final set of tasks, then reboot the
system if necessary.
Confirming Windows XP/2000 Driver Installation
1. From W indows XP/2000, open the
Control Panel
My Computer
followed by the System icon.
2. Choose the
tab, then click the
Device M anager
3. Click the "
" in front of the
SCSI and RAID Controllers
hardware type.
The driver should appear.
Installing the RAID Driver (For bootable RAID array)
MSI Reminds You...
Silicon Image Sil 3132 SATARAID Driver Installation Disk should
be accompanied in the mainboard package. You may make the Serial
ATA RAID driver by yourself by following the instruction below.
1. Insert the MSI CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. Click the
Browse CD
botton on the Setup Screen.
3. C o py all th e c ont ent s ( inc luding the s u b-f old ers ) in t he
to a formatted floppy
dis k . (F or b oo ta ble no n- R A ID d ev ic e, t he c op y pa th is
4. Th e driv e r d is k f or
Si li co n I ma ge Si l 31 32 SATA R A ID
(SATALINK) Controller
is done.