M S-7246 M ainboard
Power Off / Restart
You may configure the time (in the format hh:mm:ss) for the next power-off / restart.
Start With
Use the button
to add the start-up programs
as DigiCell is activated next time. For example, you
may like to have Outlook activated or a specified
website linked when you get to the office every
Step 1:
Click on the
field and click
button to browse for the path of Outlook or
Internet Explorer.
Step 2:
Click on
to apply the setting.
Step 3:
For specified file or specified website, you
may enter the file name with the complete
path or the website link in the
Of course you may use the button
to remove the added programs, or you
can right-click on the selected program and click
add the des ired
start-with program
To ac tivate O utlook as
DigiCell is enabled next
To activate a s pecif ied
website as DigiCell is ena-
bled next time
delete the added program
You can also enable the
Every turn on
function, which will enable the
specified program(s) and file(s) every time the DigiCell utility runs.