Ultima MOS-5 Detector
If this does not solve the problem the internal sensor amplifier has a defective part. The unit
must be returned for service.
6.1.4 F5 - Sensor Heater Shorted Error
This fault indicates that one of the sensor circuit leads is short-circuited to ground or +24 V.
- Check the integrity of all sensor connections and ensure that the cable from the
Ultima MOS-5 Intelligent Sensor to the remote sensor is not damaged. If this does
not correct the problem, replace the sensor and recalibrate.
When the black lead is accidentally shorted to +24 Volts, the Ultima MOS-5 Intelligent
Sensor delays coming out of fault to allow parts to cool down.
6.1.5 F6 - Low Supply Voltage
This fault occurs if the supply voltage at the Ultima MOS-5 Intelligent Sensor drops below +18.5
- Ensure that the supply voltage is at least +20 VDC at the Ultima MOS-5 Intelligent
With long supply leads, a considerable voltage drop may occur due to the electrical
resistance of the leads. The maximum cable resistance, which the Ultima MOS-5
Intelligent Sensor can tolerate, is dependent on the supply voltage.
6.1.6 F7 - EEPROM Verification Failure
In the event of an EEPROM error, the user must recycle the power to potentially clear the error.
After power reset, the following may occur:
1) Unit returns to normal.
a. This indicates the EEPROM writing did not keep up with changing events or the
Modbus write cycle is too fast.
2) Unit goes to F2. The user must recalibrate after 1-2 minute sensor warm up.
a. This means the non-critical part of the EEPROM was corrupted.
b. This is probably caused by an event-logging problem.
c. There is a possibility any of the following may be corrupted:
i. Event logging data
ii. Modbus
iii. HART
iv. Calibration information
3) Unit returns to F7
a. This is a critical error. This fault occurs when an attempt to verify the
setup/calibration parameters just written to the EEPROM memory fails.
- The unit must be returned to the factory or authorized service center for repair.
6.1.7 F8 - Failure to Complete Setup
This fault occurs if the unit is left in setup mode for more than six minutes.