MRU GmbH, D-74172 Neckarsulm
42 / 57
It may take a bit longer to read the results if the number
of measurements or the logged measurements have a
high data volume.
Deleting measurements
You can:
Delete single measurements when pressing the delete button while the
measurement is being displayed.
Or delete all measurements of a measurement mode. You will be asked
to confirm your intention to delete all measurements.
Managing sites
In the menu sites, you can:
View all data of the stored sites
Add new sites
Change data in existing sites
Delete sites
Sites created in the analyzer will not be transferred to the PC.
Add new sites
New sites can be added and mo
dified in the „Sites administ
Select “new” to add a new site.
You will then see:
The first line which must have a distinct site number for identification.
The DM9600 can also create a new site number (the next available site
number will be selected).
All other lines are user definable lines for address, customer name and
so on
(These lines can only be filled with a PC program like the MRU4Win)