MRU GmbH, D-74172 Neckarsulm
54 / 57
Please wait, until you see the message
w f
Select and confirm
„install firmware“
The update procedure will start...
This will take about 45 seconds, d
on’t press any keys during the update
The device can be started again once the update has been installed
You will get the information
„Firmware update w
as performed
firm with OK
How can I verify that the update was successfully?
Turn on the device. Select the context menu / extras / device info
In the 3rd line you will see the current installed firmware version for ex-
ample 1.02.37
What can I do if see that the old firmware version number is still dis-
Repeat the update procedure.
Who can
help me if I can’t perform an update
Contact your local sales office or send an email to: