controller in off state.
XIII. Operation and use method
1. The indicator lights up when the controller is powered
on; at the first second, the digital tube display “dF03” and
the lower row of the digital tube display the sensor input type:
two seconds after“IN–P”, the upper row of the digital tube
displays the upper range value and the lower row of the digital
tube display the next range value.
2. View and setting of the temperature
Click the "Set" button to enter the temperature setting
state, the upper row of digital tube display "SP2", and the
lower row of digital tube display temperature setting value.
After entering the temperature setting state, use the increase
and decrease button to modify the required temperature set
value. Then, click on the set button, the upper row of digital
tube display "od2", and the lower row of digital tube display
the second compressor opening bias value, using the increase
and decrease to modify the bias value. Then, click "Settings"
button, the upper row display "cd2" and the lower row display
the second compressor off bias value, using the increase and
decrease to modify the bias value. Then, clicking on "set"