Are you in the correct address bank (1-16 or 17-32)?
You may have changed the Bank Address by moving the bank
switch accidentally. Check for correct setting (for
users only.)
Do you have the correct address for the decoder?
Remember MRC Dispatcher Trackside Decoders use mobile
decoder (locomotive) addresses, not auxiliary decoder addresses.
Is the power supply correct for your type of turnout switch
Please check with the manufacturers of your switch motor and
power supply to determine compatibility.
The twin coil switch motors burnout or the slow motion switch
motor only moves partially or only in one direction.
1. Make sure the jumper plug is placed across the appropriate pins
on the decoder board:
• Latch for slow motion switch motors
• Momentary for twin coil switch motors
2. Check for proper wiring
3. Check for compatibility between switch motor and power supply.
Decoder lost memory
If you lose control of a turnout, please reprogram it and try again.
Turnout direction does not coincide with signal LEDs.
Reverse the green and red signal LED wires. Remember the orange
wire is the LED common and does not get changed.
Sometimes after I set the route and then hit the route direction
button (either Route L or Route R,) some of the turnouts don’t
Some of the turnouts may have to be acquired for the route. Press
the opposite route direction button first, then press the desired route
direction button.