Slow-Motion Switch Motor – DC +/- 12 volts (Latching)
If turnout direction does not coincide with the Dispatcher Control
Handheld’s (item AD155) turnout Left or Right buttons, reverse the
position of the white and yellow wires.
Mount the Dispatcher Trackside Decoder in a convenient location to
its turnout switch motor. Place it on topside of the layout in a building
or under the layout with thick double stick tape.
Route Setting
Setting your routes does not require that you go into the program
mode on your
DCC console. Route setting can be done
while you are operating your layout.
Press Route setting button. Route setting LED will glow, indicating
you are now in the route setting mode. Turn the address selector dial
to the desired turnout address and press the Add T/O in Route
button. Keep selecting the desired turnout addresses and adding them
into the route. Once your route is selected, press the Route setting
button to exit the route setting mode. Press either the Route L or
Route R to throw all the turnouts in the route. When done, you can