Hook-up Tips
Signal LED wires can be cut and an additional wire can be added to
bring signal LEDs to track diagram panel or trackside signals. Also, if
red/green LED indication does not correspond to turnout direction, you
can reverse the green and red LED wires. Keep in mind the orange
wire is the LED common.
The provided jumper plug must be placed over the corresponding pins
on the decoder board. The slow motion DC turnout switch motor is
latching, and the twin coil AC or DC turnout switch motor is
momentary action. Contact the switch motor manufacturer if you are
unsure of the motor’s requirements.
We recommend the use of our MRC AT300 terminal strip with 8
terminals for ease of installation for each Dispatcher Trackside
Decoder. This will facilitate removal for either reprogramming or
relocating the decoder in the future.
Twin Coil Switch Motor AC or DC (Momentary)
If turnout direction does not coincide with the Dispatcher Control
Handheld’s (item AD155) turnout Left or Right buttons, reverse the
position of the white and yellow wires.