Operation of the same direction moving mode
Same direction moving mode is selected by pressing the Same button on the remote control when the radar is in
moving mode.
Explanation of ranging technology in same direction mode.
The Ranger EZ ’s technology allows it to determine the difference between a target traveling faster or slower than
the patrol vehicle.
With Ranger’s technology, a target traveling 10 mph slower than the patrol vehicle and a target traveling 10 mph
faster than the patrol vehicle do not produce the same signal at the radar antenna. It is true that the Doppler tone
generated in the speaker by each target corresponds to 10 mph. However, the signals present in the antenna are
On the front antenna, a target moving slower than the patrol vehicle is actually getting nearer the patrol vehicle,
and it produces a return signal that is at a higher frequency than the transmitted signal. Conversely, a target
moving faster than the patrol vehicle is moving away from the patrol vehicle, and it produces a return signal that
is at a lower frequency than the transmitted signal. {A rear antenna works oppositely, for example a target
moving faster is getting nearer the patrol vehicle, and produces a return signal that is higher in frequency than the
transmitted frequency, and a target moving slower is moving away from the patrol vehicle, producing a lower
frequency than the transmitted frequency.}
Ranger’s technology can tell the difference between these two frequencies (whether it is higher or lower than the
transmitted signal). The Ranger EZ then automatically determines if the target is approaching or receding, and
calculates the proper target speed. Ranger also positively identifies the target vehicle by showing the operator the
vehicle’s distance.
Important points to remember when using the same direction mode:
1) Vehicles traveling at or very near the patrol vehicle’s speed are not considered by the Ranger EZ to be targets.
Thus a vehicle may be directly in front of the patrol car, but if it is traveling the same speed (within 4 mph of
the patrol speed), it will not be a read as a target. In same direction mode, Ranger EZ displays the speed and
distance of the strongest vehicle that is has a speed difference of at least 4 mph from the patrol speed.
2) Fastest mode is available in same direction mode. The speed and distance of the fastest vehicle will be
displayed in the fastest window.
3) Sensitivity in same direction moving mode is reduced substantially from opposite direction mode. The range
adjustment does not affect the sensitivity in same direction mode.
4) Ranger has special software to defeat heater fan interference in same direction moving mode. With non-
ranging radars, it cannot be eliminated without sacrificing target sensitivity, but Ranger can eliminate targets
at close ranges (less than 10 yards) and eliminate all fan interference.