1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
The ICM measures and quantifies the numbers of solid contaminants in Hydraulic,
Lubrication and Transmission applications. The ICM is designed to be an accu-
rate instrument for permanently installed applications utilising mineral oil as the
operating fluid.
The unit can operate using any of the international standard formats ISO 4406:1999,
NAS 1638, AS 4059E and ISO 11218.
The ICM incorporates a CAN-bus interface so that it can be connected to an existing
CAN-bus network. This allows the ICM to be easily integrated into industrial,
mobile, agricultural and military applications.
1.2 CAN-bus Standards
The ICM supports the major CAN-bus basic message format standards CAN 2.0A
(11 bit identifiers) and CAN2.0B (29 bit identifiers).
J1939 and CanOpen are higher level protocols built on these basic standards. J1939
uses CAN2.0A, and CanOpen uses CAN2.0B. The ICM does not implement either
of these protocols. Instead it defines a few CAN-bus messages to communicate
data. However the message identifiers have been chosen so as to allow operation
with both J1939 and CanOpen. Generally it should be possible to use the ICM with
either, as well as other CAN-bus systems.
1.3 Installation Outline
Perform a general installation and check of the ICM as detailed in the main
product user guide.
Perform a one-off general configuration check of the ICM using a PC running
. This procedure is described in the main ICM user guide. You will
need a suitable RS485 interface, such as the ICM-USBi.
For example set it to test continuously and to automatically start testing on power-up