Appendix A
Example Walk-through
Figure II
Connecting the ICM to the PCAN-USB Adaptor
The ``TERMINATOR’’ resistor shown simulates the combined effect of the bus
termination resistors normally used on either end of a CAN-bus network. It’s value
is not critical, anything from 50-150 ohms will work.
Initial Configuration
Initially we connect using the ICM-USBi interface so that the ICM can be com-
fortably configured using LPA-View. Detailed information is provided in the user
guides but the general procedure is:
Install LPA-View
Plug in the ICM-USBi
The ``Hardware Found’’ wizard will appear. If you have an Internet connection
you can let Windows Update install the driver, otherwise point the wizard to the
drivers provided.
Plug the ICM into the ICM-USBi
Start LPA-View
Select Tools/Remote Control to connect to the ICM.