Mozaex™ ShowStar User Guide
ShowStar Network Setup
In order for the ShowStar to communicate with the Internet to retrieve cover art and
play online media channels such as NetFlix
, the ShowStar must be attached to your
home network and be assigned an IP address by your Internet router‘s automatic IP
addressing service called ―DHCP―.
DHCP is required for Internet Features to work
. You must have DHCP running
for the ShowStars Internet features to function. Virtually every home network has
DHCP. Connecting to the Internet should be as easy as connecting to your network.
Steps to setup and test your connection of the ShowStar to the Internet:
Attach Ethernet Cable
Before powering up the ShowStar, attach an Ethernet cable between the
ShowStar and an Ethernet switch port on your home network. The ShowStar‘s
Ethernet port is shown in Figure 2 above on the ShowStars rear panel. Since
the ShowStar ddoes not need to access other network devices a ―CAT5― or
―CAT6― Ethernet cable is sufficient for Internet only access.
Test the ShowStar„s Internet Connection
Confirm that the ShowStar is attached and communicating over the Internet
by running one or more of the following tests:
-Insert a movie or music disc into drive and check if a cover art is retrieved.
-Unhide the Weather button on the Home page and then test to see that you
can configure and retrieve the current weather forecast.
-Unhide the NetPlay button on the Home page, register with Boxee and test
one or more internet media channels displayed.
If these tests fail to communicate with the Internet check the following:
Is the Ethernet Cable plugged into the ShowStar and your switch?
Can you see any blinking activity light on the Ethernet connection?
Check other computers whether they can access the Internet.
Contact Mozaex if you need assistance connecting to the Internet.