NPort IA5000A Series
Configuring NPort Administrator
If the NPort IA5000A gets reconnected, a warning will be displayed to remind the user that the NPort
IA5000A is now “Alive.”
The NPort IA5000As that were reconnected, and are now “Alive,” will be shown in black color.
Port Monitor
The process described here is the same as in
the previous “Monitor” section. The only
difference is that you can select more items
under Port Monitor than under Monitor.
Select or de-select Monitor Items. Use the single arrowhead buttons to move highlighted items from one box
to the other. Use the double arrowhead buttons to move all items in one box to the other.
COM Mapping
Windows Administration Suite comes with Windows Real COM drivers. After you install NPort Administration
Suite, there are two ways to set up the NPort IA5000A serial port as your host’s remote COM port.
The first way is with On-line COM Mapping. On-line COM Mapping will check to make sure that the NPort
IA5000A is connected correctly to the network and then install the driver on the host computer.