NPort IA5000A Series
Configuring NPort Administrator
The Administrator-Configuration window is divided into four parts.
The top section contains the function list and online help area. (Windows NT does not support this .chm file
The five Administrator function groups are listed in the left section.
A list of NPort IA5000A serial device servers, each of which can be selected to process user requirements,
is displayed in the right section.
The activity Log, which displays messages that record the user’s processing history, is shown in the bottom
Broadcast Search
The Broadcast Search function is used to locate all NPort IA5000As that are connected to the same LAN as
your computer. Since the Broadcast Search function searches by MAC address and not IP address, all NPort
IA5000As connected to the LAN will be located, regardless of whether or not they are part of the same subnet
as the host.
Position the cursor in the right middle section of the Administrator window and then click the right mouse