Moxa MxNVR Industrial Video Recorder
System Configuration
Please consult an expert or your network administrator for the configurations of 802.1X if you have trouble in
is a unique and innovative function that allows for adaptive frame rates in response to events on
the network, such as event triggers and system commands. When network traffic becomes congested,
DynaStream™ allows MxNVR-MO4 products to respond to CGI, SNMP, and Modbus commands from SCADA (as
well as the MxNVR-MO4’s VMD, DI, CGI events, and video loss triggers) and automatically decrease the frame
rates to reduce bandwidth consumption. This reserves bandwidth for the SCADA system to maintain Quality of
Service (QoS) and guarantees that the SCADA performance will not be impacted by video traffic. For example,
the frame rate can be set low during regular streaming to reduce bandwidth usage and automatically switch to
a high frame rate during triggered events to ensure quick transmission of critical video data or video streams,
or to provide detailed visual images for problem analysis.
For enabling the DynaStream function from CGI commands and Modbus TCP, please refer to the CGI
Commands User’s Manual of MxNVR-MO4 SDK PLUS and Modbus Address Table
The administrator can adjust the number of frames per second for each channel. There are two types of frame
rate status: Live and Alarm. Live status refers to the normal frames rates for live video displays. Alarm status
refers to what the frame rate will be adjusted to when the DynaStream function is activated.
Currently, the video stream for DynaStream is only set up for H.264 video streams, and the resolution and
quality are the same as for the settings in the Video Performance configuration.