Moxa MxNVR Industrial Video Recorder
Accessing the MxNVR-MO4's Web-based Manager
Step 3: Click on SAVE, and then MxNVR-MO4 will start to run the video
The administrator also can use the CGI command: http://ip/moxa-cgi/setparam.cgi?localstorage_enable=1
enable the video recording function.
The video recording will keep running based on the configuration whenever the MxNVR-MO4 is power off and
then power on.
Retrieve the Recorded Video from MxNVR-MO4
To retrieve the recorded video from MxNVR-MO4, it is required to use the FTP download method.
Step 1: Setup the FTP server daemon
The administrator needs to enable the FTP server daemon in the
System Configuration
configuration page to download video from the MxNVR-MO4.
Step 2: Access into MxNVR-MO4’s FTP server
The administrator can access into MxNVR-MO4’s FTP server via a web browser or a FTP software. The account
name is
and the password is as same as the admin’s password. In the FTP f server, there are 10 folders:
part01, part02…part10. Each folder will have sub-folders to categorize the recorded videos by year, month,
date, hour, channel number (ch01, ch02, ch03 and ch04) and video.