Web Console Configuration
When L3 is selected, Virtual LAN IP and Virtual WLAN IP are shown as additional setting parameters.
Virtual LAN IP:
This IP should be defined as the gateway IP for onboard devices so that all incoming and
outgoing traffic can be routed properly via this common IP in case of any role changes of the onboard clients.
All AeroLink protected clients within the same subnet need to be configured with the same virtual LAN IP.
Virtual WLAN IP:
This IP should be defined as the virtual gateway IP for the wayside router, which can route
traffic to any onboard client regardless of the client’s home WAC. This IP only needs to be configured when
different clients have to backup each other while the clients are registered to different WAC units. For the router
to work properly, all clients and the wayside router will need to be configured to have this routing rule (i.e., to
use this virtual WLAN IP).
How AeroLink Protection Works
In vehicle-to-ground applications, it is essential to minimize system downtime and maximize system
availability of the train-to-ground link to ensure proper communication. Moxa’s AeroLink Protection provides a
reliable wireless network-level redundancy protocol to ensure that there will always be a live
onboard-to-ground link, even when failures occur:
Communication Failover: AeroLink Protection members can negotiate with each other to automatically elect
an Active node for data communication. If the Active node is no longer capable of sending data across to its
access point, it will inform other Backup nodes to resume the communication via another path.
Frequency-Interference Failover: This concept is similar to “Communication Failover.” If the
communication frequency is interfered with and data can no longer be transmitted over the current active
frequency, the connection is resumed via a backup frequency.
Device Failover: After handling communication and frequency failures, in order to provide a wireless
network free of single points of failure, AeroLink Protection also checks the device status. If the Active node
has a power failure, the Backup nodes will automatically resume the wireless communication.
Scalable: AeroLink Protection is designed to allow multiple backup paths, making it possible for users to
realize a complete redundant wireless network free from all the above failure types.
Fast Recovery: In addition to maintaining a redundant wireless network, providing uninterrupted
communication when a failure occurs is equally important. AeroLink Protection is designed to recover from
a failure in under 300 ms.
When you enable the AeroLink Protection function, management packets will be broadcast every 10 ms so that
the devices can negotiate with each other. If these broadcast packets are overwhelming your network, you can
disable this function