Align the holes in the 2” x ½” x 1/16” plywood landing gear support to landing gear holes in the
bottom of the fuselage as shown and glue in to place. The holes will be wider than those in the
Sand the front of the turtle deck flush with the front turtle deck former F7.
Sand the corners of the fuselage to give it more of a rounded look.
Now is a good time to paint or cover the fuselage. Try to keep it light.
Bend the 3/32” landing gear legs as shown on the plans.
Sand the part of the gear legs that
slides in the fuselage to ensure a good glue joint.
Slide the gear legs into the fuselage so that the
gear legs can be seen but don’t extend into the battery hold down opening. Carefully align the
gear legs and flow a lot of thin CA into the holes. You could also glue the legs in with epoxy if
you prefer. Slide the wheels onto the legs. Sand the end of the gear legs for a good glue joint.
Cut a 1/8” piece off the ½” heatshrink tubing. Slide the tubing over the end of the gear leg and
glue with thick CA taking care to not glue the wheels.
Canopy Assembly
Align the 3/32” balsa canopy base with the cockpit cavity. Sand the ends to the correct angle to
match bulkheads F4 and F7 and to get a good fit.
Position the front and rear canopy formers on the canopy base and sand the bottom of the canopy
formers to the correct angle so that they rest flush with the canopy base. When satisfied with the
fit, remove the canopy parts from the fuselage, place a piece of wax paper over F4 and F7 to
protect them from glue, reposition the canopy parts then glue the canopy parts together using the
fuselage to align them.
Paint the canopy base and add your Snoopy head if you wish.
Lightly glue the canopy alignment jig to the bottom of the canopy base. You will break it off later
so don’t glue it well. The jig keeps the angle correct as you position the canopy base into the