Functional Description
slot. Standard I/O functions are provided by the Super I/O device which
resides on the ISA bus. The NVRAM/RTC and the optional synchronous
serial ports also reside on the ISA bus. The general system block diagram
for MTX series is shown below:
Functional Description
The MTX is a motherboard. It consists of the MPC603e/604e processor,
the Raven PCI Bridge and Interrupt Controller, the ECC Memory
Controller Falcon chipset, 5M of Boot FLASH, ECC-protected DRAM,
and a large set of I/O peripherals. The MTX will support single 603ev,
single 604e processors, and dual 604e processors. In the dual processor
configuration, the internal operating frequencies of the 604e’s are
independently configurable.
I/O peripheral devices on the PCI bus are: SCSI interface, Ethernet
interface, two 64-bit PMC and one 64-bit PCI slot, or three 32-bit PCI
slots. Functions provided from the ISA bus are: two EIDE ports, a host
mode P1284 parallel port, a peripheral mode P1284 parallel port, two
async serial ports, two sync/async serial ports, a real time clock, and
Rear panel connectors on the MTX motherboard include: a 6-pin circular
DIN connector for the keyboard interface, a 6-pin circular DIN connector
for the mouse interface, a 25-pin host mode parallel port connector, an
RJ45 connector for 10/100BaseT connections, and a 15 pin connector for
the AUI interface.