Low Voltage Threshold Warning
A specific external device is attached to the radio to monitor the automobile voltage. When the car battery
went lower than a pre-defined threshold, the external device asserts the Vehicular Interface Port (VIP) input to
the radio.
When the VIP switch turns on, the VIP asserts input to the radio. The radio immediately initiates a 15 seconds
of low Voltage Pre-alert Timer. If the status of the VIP changed before this time-out timer ends, the radio
returns to normal operation.
If the status from the VIP remains unchanged when the time-out timer ends, the radio shows Low Battery
message on the display and low alert tone. The radio sounds a high-pitched tone immediately after the PTT
button is released.
If the mobile radio does not have a control head connected, the bricks can only alert the user with
battery alert tone and the transmit chirp.