Description of DIM Daughtercard Strapping
Figure 4-12 describes the strapping and DIP switch settings for the DIM Site
Figure 4-12. DIM Daughtercard Strapping Description
Adding or Replacing DRAM and Data Compression SIMMs
The Vanguard 300/305 processor card comes with 4Mbytes of RAM on the card.
You can obtain additional DRAM to be inserted on your Vanguard 300/305
motherboard. Also, the Vanguard 300/305 has an optional Frame Data
feature that requires a Data Compression SIMM DSP. The
following section gives information about installing these optional SIMMs.
SIMM Location
For proper operation, the optional SIMMs must installed in the correct SIMM
slots. The DRAM SIMM must be in socket U73 and DC SIMM DSP must be in
socket U69. Figure 4-13 shows the location of the SIMM slots on the Vanguard
300/305 processor card.
Figure 4-13. SIMM Slot Locations