Morpheus Technologies Owner’s Manual
Page 16 Morpheus Technologies
Figure 3: First fold (Nose cell exposed for slider off pack job)
Figure 3: Fold the canopy back on itself toward the bottom of the container. Use the
warning label arrows as a guide to determine where to make the fold. Whilst keeping
control of the canopy find the three nose cells on one side and tease them out of the
pack job. Now fold them inward (2 folds) toward the center of the pack job. Do the same
on the other side. Find the center cell and tease it out of the pack job. Be certain that it
stays exposed.
Figure 4
Figure 4: Fold the remainder of the canopy toward the top of the container, using the
bottom of the pack tray as a guide. (Be sure to fill bottom of pack tray.) This should put
the top of the canopy approximately in the center of the container. Be certain that the
center cell remains exposed.