The Interface Solution Experts
Site-Programmable Volt &
Milliamp Limit Alarm Trips
Scaling the Analog Output —
SPAs with AO
This menu is only applicable to those HLPRG SPAs
equipped with an analog output option.
Scaling for the analog output of the HLPRG SPA is
stored as numerical values in unit memory. They are
not stored as percentages of scale.
If either Input Scaling or Display Scaling is
changed, any existing scaling operating on
the analog output (if present) must also be
Figure 14 shows the menu for this procedure.
1. From the “SCLE AO” display of the Main Menu,
press SELECT.
2. Use the arrow buttons to “scroll” through the
parameters for scaling the output:
• Set the zero value
• Set the full scale value
• Exit the Output Scaling procedure and
return to the Main Menu
3. When the parameter that is to be set is
showing on the LCD, press SELECT.
4. Use the arrow buttons to increment and/or
decrement the displayed parameter. Holding
the arrow button in accelerates changes.
5. When the parameter has been set
appropriately for the intended application,
make a note of the scaling for future reference,
and press SELECT.
6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 until all parameters
for the display have been set as required.
7. With “EXIT Z/FS” showing on the LCD, press
SELECT to return to the Main Menu.
Trim Output
This procedure is only required on those SPAs
equipped with the AO option.
Figure 15 shows the setup needed. Figure 16 shows
the menu.
Connect the unit as shown, apply the appropriate
power, and allow 5 minutes for stabilization/warm-up.
1. Access the configuration menus, and use the
arrow buttons to scroll to “TRIM OUT”.
2. Press SELECT to access the menu. The
“TRIM ZERO” screen will be displayed.
3. Use the arrow buttons to choose the level, zero
or full scale, that is to be trimmed.
4. Press SELECT to begin the trim process.
5. While monitoring the reading on the meter, use
the arrow buttons to adjust the output to the
desired level. Use the meter in the setup to
monitor the output as the output is adjusted.
6. When the output is set as desired, press
SELECT. This sets the adjustment into SPA
memory, and brings up either the next output
level to be adjusted (repeat steps 3, 4, and 5),
or “EXIT OUT” if both zero and full scale output
have been adjusted.
7. To exit the menu, press SELECT when “EXIT
OUT” is displayed. The unit will return to the
Main Menu.